Get unlimited online streaming access to the complete HeidiSongs Video Catalog, plus a 30-day Free Trial, and save 20%! Our educational videos are designed for your fast-paced, active classroom environment, with ad-free viewing on any internet-connected device!
Your subscription includes ALL ACCESS to over 1600 educational music videos from HeidiSongs, plus our creative songwriting friends:
EduTunes with Miss Jenny
Dr. Anthony "MiSTER B" Broughton
Danny Go!
Koo Koo
Miss Molly Songs
Deedee Wills
Shari Sloane
Job Jams
The Jam Cats
Crafts with Miss Kim
(Note: 30-Day Free Trial only applies to new users and does not apply to customers who have already created an account and have previously had a subscription or have a currently active subscription. Subscriptions are for use by one teacher in one classroom only. Each teacher wanting access will need to purchase their own subscription, as sharing of subscriptions is against our Terms of Service. Device limitations apply.)